Infiuss Health Buffalo, NY
Empowering health care innovation through data.
Y7 (2022) Health Life SciencesCircuit Clinical Buffalo, NY
Transform the experience of choosing clinical trials.
Y6 (2020) Health Life Sciences Healthcare ServicesPathoVax Baltimore, MD
The world’s first low-cost Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
Y3 (2017) Life SciencesOncolinx Boston, MA
The next generation of cancer therapies.
Y3 (2017) Life SciencesDisease Diagnostic Group Buffalo, NY
What if we told you we could save one million lives every year with just refrigerator magnets and a laser pointer?
Y2 (2016) Life SciencesCytocybernetics Buffalo, NY
Cytocybernetics is a Biotechnology which specializes in cellular electrophysiology.
Y2 (2016) Life SciencesFirst Wave Technologies Buffalo, NY
Where ideas become reality
Y1 (2015) Life SciencesHemoGenyx London, UK
Breakthrough therapies for the treatment of blood diseases.
Y1 (2015) Life Sciences EXITEfferent Labs Buffalo, NY
A medical technology company focused on biosensor systems for life sciences.
Y1 (2015) Life SciencesRegentys Miami, FL
The first non-surgical treatment option for Ulcerative Colitis.
Y1 (2015) Life Sciences