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26 Shirts

Founder Friday: Del Reid, 26 Shirts

“Doing well by doing good.” It’s a phrase at the core of many non-profit organizations and those dedicated to giving back to their community. Living in a place like Buffalo, we’re lucky to have a lot of these people among us – like Del Reid, founder of 26 Shirts.


Founder Friday: Adam Lazar, Asarasi

Learn more about Asarasi’s groundbreaking accomplishments in the beverage industry, and how Adam and his team hope to encourage others to take part in this movement towards sustainability.


Founder Friday: Pete Cimino, Lloyd

They got the people of Buffalo asking, “Where’s Lloyd?” Meet Pete Cimino, the founder of Lloyd Taco Trucks, Lloyd Taco Factory, and their newest endeavor, Churn Soft Serve.

Bounce Imaging

Founder Friday: Francisco Aguilar, Bounce Imaging

Bounce Imaging works to protect those who work tirelessly to protect us, and developed a 360-degree throwable camera that firefighters, police officers, and first-responders can use to assess a potentially dangerous environment before entering.


Founder Friday: Weijie Poh & Josh Wang of Pathovax

Imagine the possibility of not just curing one variation of a type of cancer, but all variations. Game changer, right? That’s exactly what 2016 Winner PathoVax is determined to accomplish. Their HPV vaccine, RGVax, targets all 15 types of HPV that cause cervical cancer and other cancers, where current vaccines on the market only target a


Buffalo Neighborhoods: Millionaires ‘ Row

Imagine coming home to your towering, opulent mansion where, inside, a lavish Art Deco party is being held in your honor. Only the most sophisticated guests are invited and the only things brighter than the ladies’ diamonds are the bubbling glasses of champagne. While not everyone can live such a splendid life, Buffalonians still have